Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Poor Kyle Kendrick...

But what a great story. It's so so so much better to read about practical jokes in baseball than the HGH nonsense. And the fact that this was a Phillies prank makes it all the better.

And to you naysayers out there who shake your heads and opine that baseball players have too much time on their hands....what's your point? We know that. Baseball has always been this way. It seems odd that there hasn't been a practical joke with this elaborate a setup in a while.

It should be a fun game. Lighten up.

I remember when Bobby Valentine was ejected from a game, and then he donned a cheesy wig and reappeared in the Mets dugout. That was a riot and cemented Bobby V as my favorite Met manager of all time. It's been pretty grim and boring there since then.

Baseball needs more humor like this. I am looking forward to the next practical joke. Although I think that the players are gonna be hard pressed to top this one.

And I'm glad it was a ruse...like Brett Myers, I want to know whether or not the other guy in the trade has a good ERA. The Phils can use a guy like that.

Hot Dog!

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