Monday, February 11, 2008

The Family That Injects Together...

Yikes. Could the Roger Clemens story get any more bizarre? I am now hearing accusations that Brian MacNamee injected Roger Clemens' wife with steroids (oh, sorry - I forgot that the "great" and "intelligent" Sylvester Stallone informed us that HGH is not a 'roid. Sorry - I lost my head) - at ol' Roger's encouragement. For a wives of athletes photo op in Sports Illustrated or something like that. I think it was 5 or so years ago if I remember correctly.

What's next? MacNamee injected Roger's freaking dog with HGH before entering him in Mike Vick's dogfighting kennel? Is there anything in the Clemens household that has NOT been injected with steroids? Do they have a cat or a bird? Plants? Pillows? Have the neighbors been checked? How about the folks who work at the local food store?

Where would Miss Manners say one should keep the syringes? Do they go on the left or the right of the plate? And they probably go in the silverware drawer right next to the knives. Definitely needle down in the dishwasher. Are they stored in the medicine cabinet next to the Tylenol????

What a freaking circus.

One thing's for matter what happens, Roger's bank account has certainly been enhanced by all these steroids. In the end, where Roger is concerned, does anything else matter?

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