Sunday, November 18, 2007


Why is Buffalo kicking field goals when they are down by 35 points? Do they think those three points might make the difference after they rattle off five unanswered touchdowns? Please. Is any NFL team planning to show up when playing the Patriots? And again, the question must be asked:

Why are Brady & Co. still in a game when they are leading by 32 points in the third quarter? Sooner or later, you have to think that karma will catch up to the Cheaters. Someone might get hurt - either inadvertently or intentionally.

Why doesn't the NFL just give the Cheaters the Lombardi trophy now? It's pretty clear that there is no team capable of beating them. And then we fans don't have to endure any more of these uncompetitive games.

An Update: It's now 56-10. Patriot games are unwatchable. I think the NFL should schedule another game whenever the Pats are on, so that when SUNY Buffalo shows up they can switch to another game.

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