Monday, November 26, 2007

Fins & Pats: Pursuit of Perfection

So the Patriots are going to go 16-0. Good for them. I'd rather this did not happen - as I dislike them intensely - but it will be good in one regard. We'll hear no more about those chowderheads from the 1972 Dolphins. Pride is one thing Fin guys, but you're really annoying.

And on the other side of that coin is the pursuit of perfection being chased by the 2007 Dolphins. Wouldn't it be ironic that 25 years after the aforementioned '72 Dolphins set the standard for perfection, that the current Fin team may set the dubious standard for imperfection? And that they'd do it in the same season that another team topped the undefeated mark?

Let's hope the Steelers aren't in a giving mood like they were last Sunday. Still can't believe they lost to the Jets. Oh, the humanity...


The J Kane said...

I'm watching the Stillers vs the Fins this Monday night and given the performance so far, (0-0 end of 3rd) I think we should revoke your whining card. And if the Steelers actually go on to LOSE tonght (Final: 3-0?) maybe THEY should start cheating! Linda says, "GO PATS!!" And she likes Tom Brady's dress...

Mike Frangione said...

You make a good point - I am going to make an effort not to mention Belichik's Bunch so much. I can only wish ESPN would do the same.