Monday, March 3, 2008

Tell Your Friend Veronica, Here Comes Faneca

Well, that is at least the refrain that folks from New Jersey and Alan Faneca can sing. Fellow Steeler fans, feel free to join me in lament. So let me see if I have this right. We're a running team. We've seen cracks in our offensive line. We let one of the NFL's best offensive guards walk.

Okay - guess there's not much more to be said. At least the Steelers signed Ben Roethlisberger to a pricey, long-term contract. This makes sense - if you're going to have a good team, it all starts with the quarterback. No more Brister, O'Donnell, Stewart, Maddox. None of them have a Super Bowl ring.

I was kind of hoping that Faneca or the Stillers would have a change of heart and they'd find some way to make it so that Faneca stayed in Pittsburgh. Not to be. I do have faith that the Steelers know what they're doing.

After all, they released Greg Lloyd, Levon Kirkland and Joey Porter just as they were going into their twilight years. Very few players leave Pittsburgh and flourish. Just look at Yancey Thigpen.

Of course, the flip side of that is Plaxico Burress. I wonder if Faneca will go the way of Burress...or Porter?

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